Simple is the best solution

Esquimalt Graving Dock Southside Switchgear Replacement Project

The task was to create a new substation to add to the existing substation building and house new switchgear to service the dry dock.

Our solution was simple.

A clean box without any ornamentation. The south face of the new addition lines up and respects the building face of the existing substation. We used brick of the same size and similar colour to clad the exterior of the building. Two galvanized steel stair sets were provided at the west and the north sides of the building to  access the second floor. A seismic joint was created to provide a seamless transition between the old and new buildings. The existing substation will be repurposed for another use.

Clean, Simple, Industrial

Esquimalt Graving Dock Service Entrance Substation

This project will replace the aging electrical infrastructure as a high voltage hub for the Esquimalt Graving Dock.

The Service Substation (SES) houses a main line of up to 12.5/25Kv switchgear including the required BC Hydro incoming and metering sections. A single HV 750kVA step down transformer to 600V is housed at the SES for local building distribution and station services. In line with 12.5/25kV switchgear there is a 5MVA step down transformer to 2.4kV switchgear for the motor starting line-ups. There is also a 750kVA step down transformer to 600V for local 600V distribution. In preparation for future needs, the roof of the SES will become the second floor when high voltage shore power is needed. The centralized Standby generators bank was constructed right next to SES. We reserved space outside the SES for a future North Substation low voltage shore power distribution centre.